Rekrutacja do klas 1. szkoły podstawowej i oddziału przedszkolnego Występ młodzieży z okazji Święta Szkoły i Jubileuszu 25-lecia LO Święto Szkoły - jubileusz 25-lecia liceum Święto Niepodległości 2022

Rekrutacja do klas 1. szkoły podstawowej i oddziału przedszkolnego

W naszej szkole rozpoczęła się rekrutacja na rok szkolny 2023/2024 – zapisy dzieci do klas pierwszych szkoły podstawowej oraz do oddziałów przedszkoln…

Występ młodzieży z okazji Święta Szkoły i Jubileuszu 25-lecia LO

W spektaklu brali udział uczniowie LO i szkoły podstawowej. Scenariusz i reżyseria p. Nel Leszczyna.

Święto Szkoły - jubileusz 25-lecia liceum

21 listopada obchodziliśmy Święto Szkoły, w tym roku wyjątkowe, bo połączone z jubileuszem 25-lecia liceum w Łaskarzewie. Miło nam, że w tym szczególn…

Święto Niepodległości 2022

Kiedy nad światem zaczyna panować jesień, a kolorowe liście ścielą się gęsto pod stopami, to znaczy, że nadchodzi czas świętowania najważnie…

Przygody z Erasmusem+ ciąg dalszy. Wyjazd do Bułgarii.

W niedzielę 5. naszych uczniów wraz z ze swoimi nauczycielkami wyruszyła do Bułgarii. To pierwszy z krajów odwiedzanych w ramach projektu „Muzyka nie potrzebuje języka”. Niedziela upłynęła na podróży i zakwaterowaniu w hotelu.

Poniedziałek był już dobrze zaplanowany przez naszych gospodarzy i pracowity dla naszej ekipy. We wtorek nasi uczniowie z paniami gościli w szkole naszych przyjaciół z Bułgarii, w mieście Vidin. Tam odbyły się prezentacje szkół uczestniczących w projekcie, tańce i występy muzyczne. Wywiadu dla lokalnych mediów udzieliła pani Joanna Głaszczka. Na koniec dnia nasi uczniowie zostali zaproszeni do rodzin koleżanek i kolegów z Bułgarii.

Kolejny dzień zaowocował wycieczką w okolice miasteczka Belogradchik, w północno zachodniej części kraju. Okolica słynie z unikatowych skał tworzących jedno z najpiękniejszych skalnych miast na świecie.

Nasza ekipa została zaproszona na koncert lokalnego folklorystycznego zespołu śpiewu i tańca. I taka ciekawostka, że gra w nim jeden z dyrektorów szkoły, a śpiewa nauczycielka muzyki.

W sobotę naszych uczniów i panie odebrali z lotniska najbliżsi. To był bardzo udany i owocny wyjazd. Bułgaria to piękny i gościnny kraj.

« z 40 »

The first day of the meeting was a workshop at “Deshka’s Guest House”. We visited village of Gorno Draglishte and we were involved in a handicraft activities. As the result of our work there are colourful fluffy balls whch are typical symbols of Bulgarian tradition connected with national holiday. It was amazing time that allowed us to touch to the famous Bulgarian hospitality. There was also time for playing as Bulgarians used to do in free time. Students tried to walk with stilts and roll the rings with special stick. There was a lot of fun during those activities. Thanks to visiting the „Desha’s Guest House” Museum and meeting the animators we could imprive that music is an international language and while dancing along the Gorno Draglishte street, wearing traditional costumes we were let to know that there aren’t any borders for music and friendship.

On Tusday there was an opportunity to enjoy beautiful views. During the travelling to Vidin from Banya, we could admire the beauty of Bulgarian landcapes. During this day students involved in the project talked to each other and improved their language and social skills. Late afternoon we arrived to Vidin and meet the host families. It was really warm welcome and the first friendships started.

Wednesday was very busy but effective day. It started at „Ivan Vazov” Osnovno uchilishte where „Welcome at our school” ceremony took place. We were welcomed by our Bulgarian friends, the headmistress and the headteacher of the school, by teachers and students. There was also the opportunity to introduce the idea of the project to local community while the coordinators were interviewed with regional TV station. After that all of us took part in the project workshop titled „Where the cultures meet”. During the activity students presented presentations about typical national aspects, like food, famous people, customs and traditions. Students used the materials which they prepared before the meeting. It was a peace of really good job! There was also project workshop meeting and details connected with next project activities were disscused during it. Polish team presented the information about meeting in Poland, related to the evaluation done in Poland, MobilityTool and eTwenning platform. In the afternoon we visited Ms Veselka Asenova, the Head of the Regional Inspectorate of Education – Vidin. It was great opportunity to gain some information about Bulgarian Educational System and get some details about Vidin – region education. And we took breathtaking pictures of Vidin. After that both, teachers and students visited Baba Vida Fortress – the primary landmark of Vidin and Cross-Shaped Barracks Ethnographical Museum. After nice walk across the beautiful park and along the river bank we spent time with host families and our Bulgarian friends.

Thursday was another time for sightseeing. We went to Belogradchik Rocks area which was nominated to the World „New 7 Wonders of Nature” in 2007. We were walking around the natural strange shaped sandstone and conglomerate rock formations and took wonderful pictures. We could touch to traditions of typical Bulgarian dinner, use traditional plates and taste amazing Bulgarian food prepared in the way that people used to do in the region of Belogradchik Rocks. After backing to Vidin we watched the educational performance of the ensemble for folklore songs and dances Dunav. It was exciting experience, especially that some teachers from „Ian Vazov” school performed in it. They are music teacher and headteacher of the school. It was another chance to prove that music doesn’t need to know any languages.

The last day of the meeting started with project workshop and discussion about the next activities related to the project tasks. After that were taught typical Bulgarian folk song and regional dance. Students wore traditional folk costumes and dance together having great time. Bulgarian team prepared a special version of the song making it possible to be read by the rest of the project teams. After karake-club we could see how Bulgarian music lesson is organised. It was very interesting time because as teachers we could compare the methods used during the lesson and we could learn something new about teaching ways. In the evening there was an official meeting for all partner teams, the students-hosts and their parents. Bulgarian coordinators got all participants the certificates in and we did the evaluation of the meeting and answer the questionnaires. Until the last moment of the meeting music was joining us and made us sure that people don’t need languages to become friends.

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